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Derivation of the qubit universe

The reciprocal of electron length existing between twelve to the power 11 and twelve to the power 12 binary steps per metre, is the onset for the derivation. From this the overall energy of the universe and volume is assessed in binary steps.Later discovered to be corresponding to the steady state of our cosmos.The qubit state of the dark matter medium is explained elsewhere. pdf

Why our cosmos is qubit based

The mediating medium of dark matter consisting of pseudovector e-neutrinos determines that the zero energy state of the H-atom is subjected to paired pseudo e-neutrinos determining the qubit state of empty space. pdf

Alpha and omega condition for steady state universe

Treatment of alpha to omega condition of steady state cosmos initated by continuous string of hollow super massive blackholes or super massive white radiators relaxating from M-40 solar masses as the onset. pdf

The pyramid model explained

The pyramid model, a representation for the three dimensional phase of time embraissing twelve universes in steady state having opposing time propagation for the matter and anti matter universes. pdf

Sacharov's induction law for the mediating medium of dark matter

The product of mass enrgy of the mediating medium times the macromass is always equal to the square power of Planck's mass derived by Sakharov. It plays an important role for the weak gravity condition around a macro mass. Radial and tangential entaglement are disdussed. pdf

Introduction to the hypothesis of life

Introduction to hypothesis of life;Distinctition between living bio matter and dead matter based on ultra fast and ultra light mediating medium of dark matter. pdf

Planck's mass and Planck's length defined and explained

The definition and discussion of Planck's mass and Planck's length. pdf

Possible imminense of a precession shift for Earth's rotation axis

Potential of precession shift of Earth's rotation axis due to ultra light and ultra fast mediation medium of dark matter. Violation of Pointcarré's law of empty space in gravity enviroment. pdf

Discussion of alpha to omega condition of steady state for our cosmos

Age of the universe derived from beginning to end condition for the dynamig steady state. Genuine deviations of Monster symmetry number and Planck constants. Also derivation of super massive White radiator/Black hole under the weak gravity condition of Lamb shift. pdf

Discussion on the qubit universe

The overall mass of all the universes is converted in energy of the electrons giving the binary state for the universe as entanglement of the mediating medium of dark matter representing the qubit quantum state of the three dimensonal'empty space'. Planck's parameters are used. pdf

Definition of used physics constants

Explanation of physics paricles and constants, as Lamb shift, anomalous magnatic moment, as R-bio, the ratio between Hatoms contributing living cells and Hatoms overall present in the living cell. pdf

The qubit composition of "empty space"

The qubit state of empty space is a consequence of the ultra fast/light mediating medium of dark matter. The electron may be the pointer determining the diversivication of life in the general. pdf

Hypothesis of life discusssed

The hypothesis of life is based on the weak gravity condition therefore distinguishing between dead organic- and living orgagnic matter when the driving energy mediation of dark matter,force of life, disappears.The anomalous magnetic momentum of the Hydrogen atom(proton) is subjected to the weak gravity condition. Probably viruses are driven by DNA or RNA coding not subjected to the weak condition of the mediating medium. pdf

Pilot experiment on gravity levitation

The experiment on gravity levitation is powered by more than one electromagnetic source. The aim is to prove the exisistence of the mediating medium generating gravity. Local exclusion of Earth gravity on a test mass should give levitation of this mass. pdf


About fifty years ago Denaerde mentioned the possibility of the shift of Earth’s rotation axis ending the present-day world society. The potential of the Earth axis shift can be confirmed after thirty five years of trying to understand the physics of the pyramid model for the phase space of three dimensional time. The reasons are discussed in the 1st Warning

The author tried deliberately not to put too many religious terms into the following. Understanding the universe and the function of the black holes as eternal entities of intelligence of our cosmos is the base as a trial for an objective evaluation.