DM cosmology is in a steady state due to the supposition that dark matter is indestructible and eternal. It has to be recycled continuously although it exists in three qualities of pseudo vector neutrinos as electron-, muon and tau- pseudo neutrinos. The e-pseudos constitute the ultra fast and light mediating medium driving gravity under constraints of the weak gravity condition.
The gravity generation in macro matter is coherent while coherent electromagnetic energy escapes to time maintaining the inertia of dark matter contained in the only fundamental stable particles as electron proton and neutrons(marginable stable). Dark matter is solely symmetric in three spatial dimensions falling under group symmetric theory as cube and equilateral pyramid symmetry. The Maxwell laws of electromagnetism are separated from the dark matter states except as contained by the three most stable atoms. So far the basics of DM cosmology.
The supposition is that DM cosmology is based on the giant Monster symmetry integer number which is closely scaled to the overall mass of ten universes, in fact twelve but two universes do not appear in these scaling calculations. The coherent electromagnetic energy is passing through our cosmos and contained in an enclosed three dimensional phase space of time, symmetric assumed due to group symmetric considerations of the most simple symmetry of an equilateral pyramid. The cycling of coherent e.m. energy is dissipation free, because of the separation between dark matter and the laws of Maxwell.
Now imagine a distribution of Earth like spheres of dark matter, the hydraulic pressure due to gravity on the atoms is such that no fusion of the atoms occurs. The coherent gravity generation has to be loss less energy everywhere in our cosmos. This then also includes the idea that an universe like that is timeless and perpetual or steady state. All non dissipating planets perhaps equally spread over the cosmos of 13.8 billion light years and consisting of 4 to 5% baron matter for the DM mass energy. The rest energy is due to the mediating medium and the emptiness of space (weak time space interval).
As is mentioned the Monster symmetry integer number determines the cycle of dark matter, therefore it is most likely that our cosmos is in a steady state, but eternally changing in time due to the linkage to the basic building blocks of proton and electron, neutrons. The proof of this assumption is that Planck’s parameters as Planck length are not at all zero but have a tiny deviation not corresponding to the exact closing cycle of dark matter due to the giant symmetry numbers which is integer driven. Planck ‘s length is the error entry as closing deviation to an integer number. It determines that time is eternal despite the cycling of dark matter states and subjected to the mathematical valid group symmetry.
So how can it be that one observes an inflationary period and a somewhat accelerating cosmos? Both questions can be explained. During the DM cycle, the first one, was generated as a symmetry cube of dark matter of about forty billion times solar mass. This block disintegrated spontaneously in one hour of event horizon time but it lasted in present time for 8760 years generating a near steady state galaxy contained firstly by a super massive white radiator and there after a black hole equilibrium. So having in the order of hundred billion cubes to be disintegrating firstly in formatting in one hour then to be disintegrating in years as an equilibrium. Summing all billionns of galaxies it comes to a hundred billion hours while the universe is 13.8 billion years. It determines the generation of about less than ten galaxies per year which seems not to be correct. Reconsidering the 8760-time transformation, one can say the volume energy goes by the cube root and the rotation energy of the mediating medium goes by the square root. So 8760(power of2/3)= 429.5 as an expansion hour radius around the super massive white radiator. In conclusion it seems possible to imagine a steady state universe where the spatial transformation constant of 429.5 hrs happens to every galaxy in succession explaining the inflationary period to be possible to observe as the onset of the DM cycle and all following DM cycles. Note, this is a somewhat simple explanation and more complicated described in the articles. The time transformation constant of 8760 seems to be reserved for the super massive black hole equilibrium to the external environment observed for the present-day state of the galaxies.
The acceleration within the empty space can be explained as a consequence due to a rotation and acceleration of the dark matter mediating medium leaving the surfaces of the macro masses as a reaction to coherent gravity generation. This can be violent as during the disintegration as the final acceleration at the end of the cosmic cycle estimated as 1.6 times a ten billionth of m/sec(square) for Hubble’s distance, close to the zero event state of the entire cosmos. The rotation of the dark matter medium is non homogenically spread through the weak time space interval.
The redundancy of Helium during the ‘early period of the universe’ is more difficult to explain and it seems to be the consequence of the conjugated state in atomic matter due to the nullification of the weak or strong interaction internally for the particles. Principally, it has nothing to do with antimatter. The Big Bang in DM cosmology has to be time symmetric which happens for only one symmetry block as the onset, the rest is folowing continuously. So it seems that time and anti time are symmetrically generated during the formation or break up of the cube blocks subjected to group symmetry, although higher order departure is not excluded but thought be a consequence of 4 or 5% baron generation. The point is that due to the additional degree of freedom due to the mediating medium, the guess is that the onset of cube symmetry can be the conjugated state of matter resulting in the violent period of disintegration, white radiator, because of the change in charge polarity for conjugation to the normal distinction of proton and electron having the same dark matter content internally.
To get the exact numbers of above discussion, there are 141 billion galaxies giving by division of the age of the universe of 13.8 billion hrs a factor 10.2 galaxies per hour. Now guessed above is that 8760 /425 = 20.6 . It means that a factor 2 comes into play which should point to the ½ c momentum for the mediating medium. For the medium of dark matter is valid highest velocity to be reached in acceleration is ½ times the square root of 2 to c-velocity determining an effective momentum for the medium of half the light velocity. So with some conceptual difficulty, the reciprocal of 2 /20.6 is balanced to the number of expanding galaxies coming to one galaxy per hour.
Recently,sept 2024, a calculation for the dark matter medium treating the cosmic background radiation is added to our further understanding of this exceptional medium.
Note, the Big Bang is not only time symmetric but in spatial three dimensions it means that in the generation of 3D space of all DM cube symmetry it has to be associated as originating from the same 3D point while earlier blocks travel away from this point of origin. The 3D point condition is the new insight to explain the ‘the inflationary period’ DM cosmology agreeing to the observations. The new understanding can be an aid to reading Reciprocal transformation for alpha and omega and Genesis completed.